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    MY NEWS PUNCH 18–03–2020

    Dr F Dejahang
    Mar 18 · 13 min read
    MY NEWS PUNCH 18–03–2020 
    1.01 Barry Grossman
    Returning the issue of people previously presumed to have died in the US from influenza but, as acknowledged by the CDC, whose bodies were subsequently exhumed and tested positive for COVID-19, the pivotal question if course about when they actually died. 
    On that narrow question, it is worth stressing that the legal processes involved in getting an exhumation order are extremely complicated and time consuming, especially since, on any view, there was still no national emergency at the relevant time.
    Since the disclosures made by CDC Director Robert Redfield happened about a week ago, that is, in mid-March, I would be astounded if we are not “not talking” about people who in fact died in 2019, BEFORE the breakout in Wuhan took place.·
    Trump the idiot is doing on and on how he always took the Coronovirus serious which he now refers to as the China virus, yet his previous fb posts and tweets are filled with him downplaying the virus and of course his followers are just like ‘yes sir you did, God is within you’ I still maintain the US public has got to be the most ignorant ever though most times its a toss up between the UK and US
    Another Good Man 
    Pakistan calls for lifting US sanctions on Iran to confront coronvirus https://en.mehrnews.com/news/156829/Pakistan-calls-for-lifting-US-sanctions-on-Iran-to-confront-coronvirus
    The corona Virus and all the lies US Politicians are saying and on top of that this Biden ‘CROOK’ sweeping the primaries everywhere tonight is too much… 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
    COVID-19 in Iran Wednesday 03/18/2020
    Relative to the day before, 147 more people died 😪 321 more people recovered. Number of new cases was a bit higher than of number of new cases of the day before.
    New cases: 1192
    Total: 17361
    Death: 1135
    Recovered: 5710
    A Very strong point is made by Con Skordilis
    ‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
    Major corporations in particular will benefit. While loans from the state-controlled Bank of Reconstruction (KfW) were up to now available to small and medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of up to €500 million, this limit will now be increased to €2 billion. And in ongoing programmes for larger corporations, the limit for interest payments will be increased to €5 billion. The KfW’s assumption of risk will also be increased to 80 percent of the total loan.’
    While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy. Con Skordilis
    ‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
    Major corporations in particular will benefit. While loans from the state-controlled Bank of Reconstruction (KfW) were up to now available to small and medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of up to €500 million, this limit will now be increased to €2 billion. And in ongoing programmes for larger corporations, the limit for interest payments will be increased to €5 billion. The KfW’s assumption of risk will also be increased to 80 percent of the total loan.’
    While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/03/18/merk-m18.html?fbclid=IwAR2r2TJi9QF-wzTAfIUBxNq1aAGA9WvcsqUBoXlpE30crr7-AUbEDYWjeX8
    100% Humanity in Cuba, IR Iran- 1% Humanity in US! Devil doesn’t necessarily have horns but for some reason it is usually a lair, a cheater and a…Ex-CIA director Pompeo: ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPt-zXn05ac US imposes fresh sanctions on Iran amid coronavirus outbreak https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/03/18/621105/US-fresh-sanctions-Iran-coronavirus-outbreak?fbclid=IwAR3oYZxtAWa9Hnwd0W8-4u4q8VBjCX3N1m1P-UbBSyNVSD90sMQq17XKm1I
    100% Humanity in Cuba than 1% Humanity in US! Cuba gives permission for cruise ship carrying COVID-19 patients to dock citing solidarity and health as a human right https://cuba-solidarity.org.uk/news/article/3956/cuba-gives-permission-for-cruise-ship-carrying-corona-patients-to-dock-citing-solidarity-and-health-as-a-human-right?fbclid=IwAR3mT6vmTh44Z5S73UCDvK584Nuz8g7ItINwaRLo0_gMFlRMq1sj3d9JfAI 
    100% Humanity in Cuba than 1% Humanity in US! Cuba gives permission for cruise ship carrying COVID-19 patients to dock citing solidarity and health as a human right https://cuba-solidarity.org.uk/news/article/3956/cuba-gives-permission-for-cruise-ship-carrying-corona-patients-to-dock-citing-solidarity-and-health-as-a-human-right?fbclid=IwAR3mT6vmTh44Z5S73UCDvK584Nuz8g7ItINwaRLo0_gMFlRMq1sj3d9JfAI
    A Very strong point is made by Con Skordilis 
    ‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
    Major corporations in particular will benefit. While loans from the state-controlled Bank of Reconstruction (KfW) were up to now available to small and medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of up to €500 million, this limit will now be increased to €2 billion. And in ongoing programmes for larger corporations, the limit for interest payments will be increased to €5 billion. The KfW’s assumption of risk will also be increased to 80 percent of the total loan.’
    While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy. Con Skordilis
    ‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
    Major corporations in particular will benefit. While loans from the state-controlled Bank of Reconstruction (KfW) were up to now available to small and medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of up to €500 million, this limit will now be increased to €2 billion. And in ongoing programmes for larger corporations, the limit for interest payments will be increased to €5 billion. The KfW’s assumption of risk will also be increased to 80 percent of the total loan.’
    While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/03/18/merk-m18.html?fbclid=IwAR2r2TJi9QF-wzTAfIUBxNq1aAGA9WvcsqUBoXlpE30crr7-AUbEDYWjeX8
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