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    ➽➜⇢➤Albert Woodfox: COVID-19 Offers Public a “Small Window” into What Prisoners Face in Solitary Confinement
    As millions shelter in place around the world, we speak with Albert Woodfox, who served the longest time in solitary confinement of any prisoner in the United States. Known as one of the Angola Three, along with Robert King and Herman Wallace, Woodfox was held in isolation for nearly 44 years at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, known as Angola. He was convicted of killing a guard in jail, but always maintained his innocence. He says he was targeted for co-founding the first Black Panther chapter in Angola. He was released in 2016 and is now 73 years old. His memoir is “Solitary: Unbroken by Four Decades in Solitary Confinement, My Story of Transformation and Hope.” Woodfox says that while speaking to people around the country, he is often asked to describe what solitary confinement is like. “We never had a reference other than our own experience,” he says, “but this coronavirus pandemic, now people have a small window into what it is like.”

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