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Model Trains Inc.,
Sam and Janis Allen
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    Recently off FB, and found mirrorisland. 

    I love its ideas, but I wish it didn't make the emails a part of the post.  I don't want to be making friends emails easy to scrape, or even be seen by each other. 

    I LOVE the concept, though.  Social sharing even if only by email transport. 

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      Hi Anaxareian,

      I'm Sam Allen and one of the primary authors of Mirror Island, the other being my wife, Janis.

      Thank you for raising those points above. We use email since it's pretty much the most open standard we can use to allow cross-domain communication without starting a completely new one.

      And yes, we don't like how email addresses are exposed publicly either, but we're adjusting for scenarios when it might be necessary.

      We were working on more privacy issues, although the COVID-19 epidemic has slowed down development for us, with other things taking up our time instead. According to gitlab [https://gitlab.com/samjanis] the last time we did anything was midway through March. We do have a few changes to upload, but they're not fully tested and might break the system (like the popup editor which is currently broken :[ )

      Things are quieting down here at least so we can get back to development next week.

      Thank you for dropping by here!

      --Sam and Janis


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