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    H/T Bernard Nolan 13 HRS
    I ask you to do one thing. Remember the help that the west sent to Libya and Syria. Now come to your senses and stand all behind the resistance. The west has nothing to offer but slavery, after gifting your land and offshore recourses to Israel. Sink their war ships in the harbor, at least they can fill in the hole they made.
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    Bernard Nolan 17 HRS

    War on Iran.
    I hope you understand the war against Iran started the day of it's revolution. When I was a young man, we knew nothing else, but this world order we battle today. We knew no better, no other way. Then Iran stood up and resisted. We listened to Dajjal's propaganda, and thought Iran must be mad. But we also saw them resist, and gradually, succeed to resist. Our eyes started to open. The west doubled down on it's cold war style financial attacks and sanctions, but they continued to resist and insist, to give us an alternative narrative, to make us hear their perspective.
    Then, after many years, Lebanon stood up, and resisted and succeeded to resist. Then Syria stood up and resisted. Then Yemen stood up and resisted. Now, people are standing up, in Nigeria, in Kashmir, all across the world, people are not only waking up, but standing up, inspired by Iran.
    I can assure you, Dajjal is loosing this war and they know it and they fear it and they have now escalated their attacks in response to it. But they have no answer to it.
    I can assure you, Iran won the war on Iran. They won it not only in Iran, but then in Lebanon too, then in Syria and Yemen also. Now, Dajjal had to move his war to Syria and Lebanon and Yemen. Places they before had under control. It is very much the west and it's false promised state that are loosing this war.

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