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    Sexual Dissatisfaction: When to See a Sexologist?

    Did you know that 51% of Indians are not satisfied with their sex life? Recent research shows that 22% of women do not reach orgasm when they have sex, while 62% of men have difficulty maintaining an erection.

    Sexuality is very important, so much so that its relevance is legitimized by the WHO, the World Health Organization (WHO), which states that sex is one of the pillars of quality of life. This means that dissatisfaction in this area can negatively impact the general well-being of adult individuals.

    It is worth noting that sexual problems can be related to multiple factors, such as hormonal changes, self-esteem problems, stress, anxiety, depression, past traumas, organic issues, etc.

    Regardless of what the cause of sexual difficulties is, it is essential to seek help to solve the problem. The sexologist in Delhi can be a great ally in this task! Check below when this professional should be sought.

    When sexual dissatisfaction is persistent

    It is natural that from time to time the person does not feel fulfilled in bed. Sex after a stressful day at work, an occasional difficulty getting an erection, or an isolated episode of premature ejaculation is nothing to worry about. However, if the problem is lasting, turn on the alert signal and find out what is happening. In some cases, treatment should be multidisciplinary, with the participation of a sexologist in Delhi, urologist in Noida, gynecologist, physiotherapist in Dwarka, etc.

    When emotional blocks prevent your sex life from being full

    If taboos and emotional or cultural blocks get in the way of fullness in sex, it is recommended to see a sexologist in Delhi as soon as possible. Contrary to what many think, sexuality is not just a matter of the body. It involves the mind too! In most cases, sexual dissatisfaction is closely related to problems such as past trauma and mental limitations, such as low self-esteem, depression, low self-confidence and insecurity with one’s own image.

    When you want to learn how to deal with sex life

    Look for the best sexologist in Delhi to vent and learn to deal with your own sexuality in the most natural way possible. This professional will receive you with discretion and without judgment, as he is prepared to hear and deal with complaints such as shyness, fear and embarrassment during sex. In addition, the psychiatrist lives daily with complaints about sexual monotony, infrequency, lack of foreplay, low libido, lack of attunement, etc.

    When you need to treat a specific sexual disorder

    Sex life may be unsatisfactory because one or both partners have a sex-related disorder. Sexual dysfunctions are characterized by psychophysiological changes that hinder performance and satisfaction in sex. They are disturbances capable of generating difficulties in the relationship, in addition to accentuated suffering. Major disorders include sexual aversion, hypoactive sexual desire, dyspareunia, orgasmic disorder, premature ejaculation, sadism, vaginismus, exhibitionism, fetishism, masochism, and erectile dysfunction.
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