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    It is not an uncommon thing to
    find in the Old Country the same trade
    or calling followed by father and son
    through several generations. In Aus-
    tralia, however, it is the exception
    rather than the rule. With the Simp-
    son brothers, who conduct Simpson
    Bros, Ltd., Ann-street, Brisbane, and
    Upper Melbourne street, South Bris-
    bane, such is the case. The grand-
    father of the present chief executives
    of the firm, Mr William Simpson, who
    was a flour miller in the North of
    England, came to Adelaide, South Aus-
    tralia, and set up in the flour-milling
    business with much success in the days
    of Governor Gawler. The father of
    the present directors (Mr. W. J. Simp-
    son) was born in 1845, a few years
    after the State of South Australia was
    declared insolvent. Later on he left
    South Australia to try his fortune in
    New Zealand, and settled in the
    Christchurch district, South Island.
    After spending some time on the land
    as a wheat grower, during which time
    he invented a machine for cutting
    the gorse hedges, which are a feature
    of New Zealand farms, and the fore-
    runner of the very efficient hedge-cut-
    ting machines of to-day; then took up
    flour-milling, and followed this occu-
    pation for many years. In 1888 Mr.
    W. J. Simpson left New Zealand for
    Victoria, and arrived shortly after the
    bursting of the land boom, and spent
    20 years in the retail business.
    The Simpson brothers came to Bris-
    bane in 1909, and at this time Mr.
    W. J. Simpson was not taking an
    active part in business, the conduct
    of which was in the hands of his
    sons, the present directors of the firm.
    The Simpson brothers first started
    making self-raising flour at premises
    in Stanley-street, South Brisbane,
    opposite the Woolloongabba railway
    yards. In 1918 the fast growth of
    the business and the necessity for a
    more central distributing base brought
    about the purchase of the present Ann-
    street premises. Since that date great
    progress has been made. In 1924 new
    machinery was installed, which en-
    abled the firm to double its output,
    and again in 1927 further machinery
    additions were made, and the output
    was increased by 33 per cent. At
    the present time arrangements are
    being made to install machinery which
    will further increase the output bv 25
    per cent. In January, 1929, a new
    factory was purchased by Simpson
    Bros, Ltd., from Queensland Manu-
    facturers, Ltd., in Upper Melbourne
    street, South Brisbane. The firm's
    market now extends throughout the
    entire State of Queensland to the
    Northern Rivers of New South Wales,
    to Darwin, New Guinea, Thursday
    Island, Papua, Java, and Straits
    Settlements, and their products in-
    clude Simpson's self-raising flour,
    breakfast meal, wholemeal self-raising
    I MR. M. II. FINLAYSON, Judge of Fruit and Vegetables at the coming Exhibition. MR. E. COLCLOUGH, Judge of Fine Arts in District Exhibits at the coming Exhibition. Help
    Judge of Fine Arts in District
    Exhibits at the coming Exhibition.
    flour, "Koala" jelly crystals, and
    "Royal Blue" dried fruits. Messrs.
    Simpson Bros., Ltd., are the largest
    users of flour in Queensland, and also
    the largest users of cream of tartar
    in this State. They are also one of
    the largest buyers of dried fruits in
    Queensland. At the present moment
    two sons of the directors are engaged
    in the business, making four genera-
    tions in the flour industry since 1840.

      Part translation ....................
        Can a scar be masked with a tattoo?

      This is a good question that women who have recently undergone a cesarean section are especially often asked to themselves, after which they left a rough, ugly scar. To answer it, you need to be well versed in physiology. The fact is that in some women, scars after a cesarean section fade well over time and become less noticeable.


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