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    Crooked Nose? Rhinoplasty is the answer

    What does a crooked nose look like?

    The crooked nose shows a deviated front, not regular from the classic “C” shape or, in more striking cases, to “S”. The asymmetry is in most cases correlated to a deviation of the nasal septum which involves problems of a nature as well as aesthetic, even functional.

    What are the main causes of a crooked nose?

    Crooked nose due to the presence of asymmetries. This situation manifests itself in a very typical way with changes in light and usually causes “optical” deviations, ie the central axis of the nose is not exactly crooked but it seems so. Wing cartilages that are asymmetrical in size or position or depressions and bulges on the side walls of the nose are typical situations that cause this condition.

    Crooked nose due to the presence of deviations of the nasal septum. In these cases, the central axis of the nose is really deviated because the inner wall of the nose or nasal septum (not to be confused with the bridge of the nose) will present different deformities (high deviations, in C, in S or more complex) and will drag the tip and / or the back on one side or the other, producing its deviation. A deviated nose can be accompanied by breathing problems.

    How to correct a crooked nose?

    To correct a crooked nose, it is necessary to undergo rhinoplasty in Delhi or septoplasty depending on the case.

    If the deviation is evident, it will be sufficient to correct the asymmetries of the anatomy (position and size of the alar cartilages, columella or back). Sometimes cartilage or fat grafts are needed to supplement deficient tissues that cannot be corrected by modeling. If the patient has previously undergone septoplasty, grafts should be made using cartilage from the ear or a rib.

    If the deviation is real, it will be necessary to approach the nasal septum directly to straighten it. The most crooked areas can be removed and used as grafts that “support” the repair and prevent new drift. If the real deviation is not dealt with, it will only be a matter of time before it reappears.

    The deviation can also be mixed, incorporating asymmetrical zones and a deviated septum at the same time.

    One of the most complicated aspects of rhinoplasty in South Delhi is the correction of a crooked nose. However, if it is diagnosed and treated correctly, good results can be achieved. The choice of the type of anesthesia or the type of rhinoplasty (open or closed) will depend on the repair to be performed and the steps required. If you want more information on how a rhinoplasty is performed, you can consult best plastic surgeon in South Delhi.

    Why undergo a rhinoplasty?

    One of the reasons patients undergo a rhinoplasty is due to a crooked or deviated nose. Unlike other areas of the face, where asymmetries can go unnoticed, the nose very easily reflects the presence of asymmetries or deviations. The nose can be real or apparent crooked over the years, after a rhinoplasty or due to traumatic causes. Identifying the reasons why a nose is crooked (or appears to be crooked) is very important to the success of rhinoplasty. The analysis of each case must be done during a physical exam by plastic surgeon in East of Kailash as photographs can falsify the case, making it worse or better depending on how the light hits the patient.


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