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    Cube Algorithms

      y - -
    - # Y # y
    - Y Y Y -
    y # Y Y -
      - - -
    (R' U2 R) U (R' U R)
      - - -
    y # Y Y -
    - Y Y Y -
    - # Y # y
      y - -
    (R U2 R') U' (R U' R')
      - - -
    y # Y Y -
    - Y Y Y -
    - Y Y # -
      - - y
    F' (r U R' U') (r' F R)
      y - -
    - # Y Y -
    - Y Y Y - 
    - # Y Y -
      y - -
    (r U R' U') (r' F R F')
      - - y
    y # Y # -
    - Y Y Y -
    y # Y # -
      - - y
    R U2 (R2' U' R2 U') (R2' U2 R) 
      - - -
    y # Y # y
    - Y Y Y -
    y # Y # y
      - - -
    (R U R') U (R U' R') U (R U2 R')
      - - -
    - Y Y Y -
    - Y Y Y -
    - # Y # -
      y - y
    R2 D (R' U2 R) D' (R' U2 R')
    Top layer all yellow; "headlight" to right, facing white after "x" [9 after x]
    x (R2 D2) (R U R') D2 (R U' R)
    Top layer all yellow; no "headlights", white down [17]
    F R U' R', U' R U, R' F' (R U R' U') (R' F R F')
    Clockwise (left -> back) top 3 edges [11]:
    (R' U R' U') R' U' (R' U R) U R2
    Counterclock (right -> back) top 3 edges [11]:
    R2 U' (R' U' R) U R U (R U' R)
    Straight swap to 4 edges: (up<->down, left<->right) [7]
    (M2 U M2) U2 (M2 U M2)
    Diagonal swap top 4 edges: (up<->left, right<->down) [16]
    R' U' R2 U (R U R' U') R U R U' R U' R' U2

      Protect Your Data from Ransomware with S3 Object Lock

      As companies put more data in S3 it becomes a larger and more lucrative target for bad actors. Cybersecurity provider SonicWall reported recorded 1,748 ransomware attempts per customer through during the first three quarters of 2021 and another report from Positive Technologies states that cybercriminals can penetrate 93 percent of company networks.

        5 things you don't need Javascript for

        Javascript can do a lot, but it's really over-used. HTML and CSS are surprisingly powerful on their own, so let's have a look at some of the things you can achieve without Javascript (or a backend) - from animated diagrams to dark mode.

          Wayforward Machine โ€ข Visit the future of the internet

          Hands up if you remember how websites looked in the 90s ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ Ever wonder what the internet will be like 25 years from now? Internet Archive has built a time machine to show you! Check out the WayForward Machine.
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