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    When should you visit the Urologist?

    Having problems when urinating, such as pain or itching, and noticing blood in the urine can be signs that something is not quite right in your urinary system. Who should you go to solve a possible urine problem? Although not everyone thinks about it from the first moment, the most important thing, especially if your age is over 40, is to see a specialist in the urinary system, that is, a urologist in Noida.

    In the case of men, going to the best urologist in Noida is even more important since the urologist not only treats urinary tract problems but is also in charge of preserving male sexual health.

    The first visit to the urologist step by step

    The first step of the urological consultation is the doctor’s interview with the patient. This part of the first visit to the urologist is divided into two steps. The first is the patient’s medical history, knowing why he goes to the urologist in Ghaziabad and what pathologies he suffers or has suffered, as well as knowing if he is currently taking any relevant medication. Among the data that the doctor will ask you for are your age, the surgeries you have had, if any, your lifestyle, especially in terms of tobacco and alcohol consumption, etc.

    The second part of the interview with the best urologist in Ghaziabad is to find out the patient’s family history. This is important because there is a direct relationship between genetics and the appearance of certain pathologies. Obviously, what the specialist will be most interested in is whether there is a urological history in your family, that is, problems related to prostate cancer, hematuria (blood in the urine), urinary lithiasis, incontinence or erectile dysfunction. In the case of women, the urologist will also ask about the history related to the muscles of their pelvic floor such as childbirth, postpartum, abortions, etc.

    What is the next step after the interview with the urologist?

    The next step in the first visit to the urologist in Greater Noida is the physical examination. When the specialist already knows all the necessary details of the patient’s health and the causes that led him to come to the consultation, it is time to assess him physically.

    In the urology consultation, the general examination is mainly based on detecting if there is any urinary infection or renal involvement. However, the urologist also observes and studies the abdomen to rule out masses as well as a bladder balloon. After that, the specialist will also observe how the perineum area is located, the vaginal area in women, especially in search of pelvic organ prolapse, and the scrotal area in men to verify that its size, consistency, and sensitivity are correct.

    Finally, the best urologist in Greater Noida will carry out a rectal examination in men focused on assessing the size of the prostate as well as its volume, consistency and sensitivity. This digital rectal examination is especially indicated to rule out the existence of prostate cancer.

    Finally, during the first visit to the urologist in Rohini and after the history and examination, some basic tests may be necessary. Among them, the urologist usually requests a flowmetry or urine sediment test where the pH of the urine is analyzed and the presence, if any, of hematuria, bacteria, or leukocytes.

    In addition, it is also common to perform a blood test to check the PSA levels in men and creatine (kidney function) of the patient. In addition to these tests, if the doctor considers it necessary, sometimes a urological ultrasound is also performed.

    What happens at the end of the urological consultation?

    After completing the urological consultation and the tests that have to be carried out, the urologist in Delhi will be in charge of explaining to the patient whether or not a treatment is necessary. There are many treatments and all of them depend on each particular case. For this reason, a personalized and individualized assessment is essential to ensure the most appropriate solution for each patient.

      What can be thick sperm and what to do

      The consistency of sperm can vary from person to person and throughout life, and it can be thicker in some situations, and in most cases it is not a cause for concern.

      The change in sperm consistency can be caused by certain habits, such as changes in diet, physical exercise or consumption of certain substances, such as alcohol or drugs, for example. In addition, infrequent ejaculations can also make the sperm thicker and with greater volume.

      However, in some cases, sperm may appear thick for reasons that should be treated or seen by a urologist in Noida, such as some of the following:

      1. Hormonal imbalance

      Hormonal changes can make sperm thicker, as hormones, such as testosterone, are part of the composition of semen, contributing to the protection of sperm. The person may suspect that the thick sperm is the result of a hormonal change, if other symptoms appear, such as decreased sexual desire, difficulty maintaining an erection, loss of muscle mass or tiredness, for example.

      What to do: If the man presents these symptoms, he should go to the best sexologist in Noida, in order to make a diagnosis and the appropriate treatment. In addition, it is also important to eat a balanced diet, practice regular physical exercise and avoid excessive consumption of cigarettes and alcohol.

      2. Infections

      Infections in the genital area, especially those caused by bacteria, can make the sperm thicker, due to the increase in white blood cells, which can change the morphology of the sperm and even reduce the sperm volume. Some symptoms that may arise in these cases are difficulty and pain to urinate, presence of a milky discharge and presence of blood in the urine, for example.

      What to do: In the presence of these symptoms, it is important to see a urologist in Ghaziabad, who may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

      3. Dehydration

      Dehydration is also one of the causes of thick sperm, as it is mostly made up of water. If the person is dehydrated, the less fluid and more viscous the sperm will be. A man may suspect dehydration if he has symptoms, such as excessive thirst, dark urine or extreme tiredness, for example.

      What to do: To avoid dehydration it is very important to drink fluids throughout the day. It is recommended by sexologist in Delhi to drink around 2 liters of water a day.

      4. Changes in the prostate

      In its composition, semen contains sperm from the testes, seminal fluid from the seminal vesicles and a small amount of fluid from the prostate. Thus, changes in the functioning of the prostate or seminal vesicles can make the sperm thicker, due to changes in the proteins released to the sperm or changes in the production of seminal fluid.

      Some symptoms that can arise in men with prostate problems are painful ejaculation, painful urination and increased frequency of urinating.

      What to do: In the presence of these symptoms, you should immediately go to the urologist in Delhi in order to avoid complications.


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