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    ➜⇢ ➽ ➤Soraya Ulrich
    Israel doing the same.
    Though when Iran created an app for people to self test initial stages, it was accused of spying on citizens, then Google removed the app blaming sanctions.
    I mean how much uglier can we get?
    The CDC will set up a coronavirus 'surveillance and data collection system' as part of the $2 tr President Donald Trump signed into law a sweeping stimulus bill that will pump emergency funding into the CDC to combat the coronavirus, including a system to gather data on how the virus is spreading.
    The CDC's new funding is part of an emergency stimulus package that provides $2 trillion in funding to boost government health programs and stabilize the American economy during the coronavirus crisis.
     illion stimulus bill, which President Trump just signed into law https://www.businessinsider.com/cdc-coronavirus-surveillance-and-data-collection-stimulus-package-2020-3?fbclid=IwAR3M1dR8GkZyhiiRtXq1VKd-aRdsIgjNFgCIub2xPEZQxYGDJFBVQSFIsiA&r=US&IR=T

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