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    Importance of Physiotherapy in Stroke

    Physiotherapy in the Rehabilitation of a Stroke

    Stroke or cerebral infarction is a cerebrovascular disease, and its sequelae can include altered sensitivity, loss of strength and coordination.

    Immediate physiotherapy treatment after diagnosis is essential for a good recovery.

    Why is physiotherapy so important during the first six months after suffering a stroke?

    What does a good physiotherapist in Dwarka bring to your side during your recovery journey? We will see it below, but first we will explain what a stroke is.

    What is stroke or cerebral infarction?

    Stroke, also called brain infarction, is a cerebrovascular disease that occurs when there is a rupture or obstruction in a blood vessel, thus reducing the flow of blood received by the different parts of the brain.

    The blood does not reach the brain correctly and, as a consequence, the nerve cells do not receive oxygen, stopping to function. Stroke is also known as

    Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA).

    Symptoms are usually sudden in onset and rapidly developing: They include:
    • Loss of strength or sensation
    • Weakness in the face, arm, and leg on one side of the body
    • double vision
    • feeling of vertigo
    • sudden disturbance of speech
    • sudden headache

    Why is physiotherapy essential for recovery from a stroke?

    Physiotherapy in Dwarka plays a very important role in recovery and in reducing the sequelae of a stroke. Its main objective is to reactivate brain plasticity to recover lost functions or maintain those that remain intact.

    The brain has the ability to learn through repetition. Therefore, the patient must insist on practicing, over and over again, the different daily activities from day to day.

    The role of physiotherapy in the first 6 months after a stroke the neurorehabilitation process must begin as soon as possible, to take advantage of neuroplasticity, that is, the ability of neurons or groups of neurons to modify their activity and even their morphology in response to changes in the environment or use.

    Rehabilitation programs must be specific and individual. They consist of a combination of physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and psychology techniques (according to the patient’s needs).

    How does home physiotherapy accompany the rehabilitation of a stroke patient?

    Ideally, the best physiotherapist in Dwarka starts working with the patient in the hospital itself few hours after the stroke occurs. Physiotherapy treatment will begin with mobilizations and postural care while the patient is in bed. Within 48 to 72 hours after the stroke, the physiotherapist in Delhi should help the patient to move to a sitting position.

    After this first phase, another important phase must begin:

    Physiotherapy at home. The first step will be to set some goals to achieve that have to be related to your day-to-day life. It is essential that the patient feels that these objectives are his own to make him a participant in his recovery.

    It is not about setting goals like raising an arm or improving finger mobility. The key is to mark closer challenges that collaborate in improving the quality of life of the patient.

    The key role of the family for a stroke patient

    Overcoming the mobility obstacles that the patient’s own home presents in the development of their daily tasks is the first objective of a good physiotherapy treatment at home in Dwarka. In this sense, the patient improves not only in the physical and cognitive aspect, but also in the emotional one to improve her quality of life.

    A stroke patient should lead as active a life as possible. His relatives must understand that helping him excessively in all his tasks does not favor his independence and recovery from him.

    The rehabilitation of a stroke patient should be based on helping the patient to adapt to their deficits, seeking to minimize or completely eliminate them. An active treatment will require the collaboration and learning capacity of the patient and her family.

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